Kalmyk American Society
Use Policy
It is the policy of the Kalmyk American Society,
hereafter referred to as the K.A.S., that material in the following
categories is prohibited, and is not to be posted on its web site.
The K.A.S. reserves the right, but not the obligation, to remove
or block content, which in its sole discretion, is in violation
of this policy.
- Defamation. You may not to post or transmit any content
in violation of any applicable law of libel or defamation in
the United States or elsewhere.
- Fraud. You may not to post or transmit any fraudulent
content on or through the K.A.S. website or email system . This
includes any content that you know or have reason to know is
false, and that you intend for others to rely on.
- False Advertising. You may not to post or transmit
on or through the K.A.S. website or email system, any advertising
or promotional materials that contain false, deceptive, or misleading
statements, claims, or representations.
- Obscenity. You may not to post or transmit any obscene
or pornographic content, including, but not limited to, child
pornography, on or through the K.A.S. system.
- Harassment, Threats, and Abuse. You may not to use
the K.A.S. website or email system to harass, intimidate, threaten,
or abuse any person or entity, by any means, including the use
of vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually
harassing, or otherwise objectionable content.
- False Pretenses. You may to not use the K.A.S. website
or email system to impersonate any person, including but not
limited to, an K.A.S. official or an information provider, guide,
or host, or communicate under a false name or a name that you
are not entitled or authorized to use in all forms of online
communication, including, but not limited to, screen names, subscriber
profiles, chat dialogue, and message posting.
- Chain Letters. You may to not post or transmit chain
letters, or letters or messages that offer a product or service
based on the structure of a chain letter, on or through the K.A.S.
website or email system.
- Inappropriate Content. You may not to post or transmit on or through
the K.A.S. website or email system content that is patently inappropriate
material under the circumstances -- e.g., content or topics not related to
the topics focused on by the participants in a particular news group, forum
or mailing list.
- Disruptive Activities. You may not to use the K.A.S.
website or email system to disrupt the normal flow of online
dialogue, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects
use of the Internet by other, users, individuals, or entities.
- Violations of Service Providers' Rules. You may not
use the K.A.S. website or email system to violate any operating
rule, policy, or guideline of any other online service provider
or interactive service.
- Systems Abuse. You may not abuse K.A.S.'s system,
or any other system accessible through the Internet via K.A.S.,
by causing any harm to the system so that it inhibits or negatively
impacts the ability of other users to effectively use such system.
You further agree not to compromise or attempt to violate security
at K.A.S. or elsewhere, including but not limited to, attempted
access of any data, server, or account that you are not expressly
authorized to access.
- SPAM. You may not use the K.A.S. website or email
system to post or cross post, regardless of content, copies of
the same message to 20 or more newsgroups, or email addresses.
- Inappropriate software, products, and services. You
may not post, transmit, promote, or otherwise make available
any software, product or service that is illegal, violates the
rights of K.A.S. or a third party, or is designed to violate
this policy. Such software, products or services include, but
are not limited to, programs designed to send unsolicited advertisements
(i.e. "spamware"), services which send unsolicited
advertisements, programs designed to initiate "denial of
service" attacks, mail bomb programs, and programs designed
to gain unauthorized access to networks on the Internet.
As a matter of policy, K.A.S. does not pre-screen Content
placed on K.A.S. computer servers by any of its users. Moreover,
K.A.S. does not have the practical ability to monitor, review,
or restrict access to Content on the K.A.S. website or email
system prior to its transmission or to monitor all communications
between parties. Thus, there may be Content on K.A.S. servers
which may violate K.A.S. rules, and you may receive offensive
and unsolicited Content that K.A.S. cannot control.
Please direct all complaints about violations of this policy